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  • 1 Post By الشريف السلاوي
  • 1 Post By كودي محمد

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قديم 2013-03-31, 20:45 رقم المشاركة : 1
الشريف السلاوي
مدير الإشراف
الصورة الرمزية الشريف السلاوي


إحصائية العضو

الشريف السلاوي غير متواجد حالياً

وسام المشاركة السيرة 1438ه

وسام المشاركة في مسابقة القران الكريم

مشارك في مسابقة صور وألغاز

وسام المشاركةفي المسابقة الرمضانية الكبرى 2015

وسام مشارك

مسابقة المبشرون بالجنة مشارك



وسام المشاركة في مسابقة السيرة النبوية العطرة

وسام الشخصية البرونزية

poeme The story of Romeo and Juliet .

The story of Romeo and Juliet

They (the most famous love story in the world

The story revolves around the conflict between two families of the finest families of Verona, "the city of Italy," family "Mntigaio" and family "Kapolit" .. and do not know the cause of this conflict and the conflict, but since time immemorial.
During this conflict come from the heart of the two families .. lovers of Romeo and Juliet from Montigaio Kapolit. The narrator tells us that the lovers Iviadan to the inevitable fate of death due to this conflict. And so we know the glasses that their fate of death at the end of the play. Play begins Romeo lover to a woman named "Rosalain" and you can not see in the play. Romeo loved shows us a bleak and miserable .. rousing drama informs the Prosecutor romance.
Best friends "Markicio" a relative of Prince of Verona. Apply for Romeo, but still love Mudallha Rosalain. Romeo and by chance know that there is a masquerade for a family Kapolit ", a ceremony is held annually. And know that Rosalain invited decides to go with his friends and Markicio Bnfulio and there meets Juliet .. wonderful and beautiful girl falls in love immediately.
It was Romeo and reality of love and love is not love .. Rosalain even found true love .. Juliet Romeo and Juliet speak to each other and fall on the love .. and was ready for it, but fate has .. know a cousin of Juliet "Tibalt" on Romeo wanted quarrel with him, but Juliet's father refused to be hungry with a special guest at the ceremony and Romeo known nobly morals. And in another concert .. they know the two of the two families Almottagatlten.
In the same night and after the end of the ceremony, go to the park with Romeo and Juliet agree to marry the next day a secret. Went to a priest who Izojhma the belief that their marriage will lead to reconciliation between the two families. But we know then that there is a master of the Prince of Verona speeches about Juliet that surprised the news .. how can it not and are now married.
Go to the priest tells him the news. Decides to help them. After that we see Tibalt is looking for a fight, Romeo finds his friends with him. Then comes the Romeo and ask him Tibalt bout .. but Romeo refuses because it has become Nsiba him - of course not aware of the marriage, only four people .. Romeo and Juliet and the priest, and runner-up Juliet - then resenting Markocio of the reaction which he considered cowardly Romeo decides to fight Tibalt .. and die Markocio putting an end between comedy, which started since the beginning of the play and the tragedy that began with his death. Tibalt fled from the scene of fighting, leaving Romeo - who blinded by anger - divided to avenge his friend Markocio.
Tibalt back to the scene of the battle to Nzlh Romeo and kill him .. to escape afterwards. Emir Verona since the beginning of the play is to kill Almtnazlen of the two families because the quiet city of Verona is not marred by a struggle for families. When you attend the Prince to the region knows that Romeo killed Tibalt revenge .. then decides commuted to exile a condition that does not appear Romeo.
News of Juliet stands beside her .. and Romeo goes to the priest who told him the verdict. He then went to Romeo Juliet to stay with her to the dawn .. And then leave the city, "Mantua" without knowledge that his mother died saddened him.
And theatrical events proceed rapidly, as we know that Juliet's father announced that a wedding of "Paris" one day. Juliet goes to seek help from the priest who tells her of his plan which he would send a messenger to the city of Mantua, to reach the plan .. Romeo and Juliet gave the medication makes it look Kalmitp for two days to take her wedding night. But unfortunately, does not reach the apostle to Romeo there was Taona in the nearby city from the city of Mantua. And carried the news of the death of Juliet .. servant who does not know the plan. Romeo then go mad and go to a pharmacist poor in the city to buy him and give him the poison for a large amount of venom.
Then go to the graves of family Kapolit to find lying in the coffin and sees and increased beauty and color and her face is still reddish, not pale and he was not aware that this is because they wake up after a short period. Then corresponds to "Paris" who came to visit his future wife, and there find Romeo and Romeo thought that came to desecrate the grave of the family is the enemy. Waive Romeo and Paris and Paris kills. And accepts the Romeo and Juliet dosing small bottle of poison him for dying in her hands. And Juliet wakes up from Nomtha to find that Romeo dead beside her without thinking and take the dagger to instil in her heart and die as well. Then comes everyone to the tomb to see the tragedy that occurred and tell the priest the whole story .. and reconcile the two families decide to build a large gold statues of Romeo and Juliet Ikhaldihama in the city and they remembered they were "families" are the cause of death and they have, and that the two lovers, who repaired fences between the two families.
Love is valid between the two families which could not representative of law and religion represented Prince pastor to set their

: منتديات الأستاذ التعليمية التربوية المغربية : فريق واحد لتعليم رائد https://www.profvb.com/vb/showthread.php?p=635028

" اللّهمّ ردّنا إليك ردّا جميلا "
    رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2013-03-31, 21:26 رقم المشاركة : 2
الشريف السلاوي
مدير الإشراف
الصورة الرمزية الشريف السلاوي


إحصائية العضو

الشريف السلاوي غير متواجد حالياً

وسام المشاركة السيرة 1438ه

وسام المشاركة في مسابقة القران الكريم

مشارك في مسابقة صور وألغاز

وسام المشاركةفي المسابقة الرمضانية الكبرى 2015

وسام مشارك

مسابقة المبشرون بالجنة مشارك



وسام المشاركة في مسابقة السيرة النبوية العطرة

وسام الشخصية البرونزية

افتراضي رد: The story of Romeo and Juliet .


" اللّهمّ ردّنا إليك ردّا جميلا "
    رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2013-12-01, 09:09 رقم المشاركة : 3
كودي محمد
أستـــــاذ(ة) جديد
إحصائية العضو

كودي محمد غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي رد: The story of Romeo and Juliet .

مشكور علي القصة الجميلة

    رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2013-12-01, 16:10 رقم المشاركة : 4
الشريف السلاوي
مدير الإشراف
الصورة الرمزية الشريف السلاوي


إحصائية العضو

الشريف السلاوي غير متواجد حالياً

وسام المشاركة السيرة 1438ه

وسام المشاركة في مسابقة القران الكريم

مشارك في مسابقة صور وألغاز

وسام المشاركةفي المسابقة الرمضانية الكبرى 2015

وسام مشارك

مسابقة المبشرون بالجنة مشارك



وسام المشاركة في مسابقة السيرة النبوية العطرة

وسام الشخصية البرونزية

افتراضي رد: The story of Romeo and Juliet .

شكرا أخي الكريم


" اللّهمّ ردّنا إليك ردّا جميلا "
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