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افتراضي how to shape our life with postivie thinking.

Dear brothers and sisters.

I'm so honored share with you my own presentation in communication field presented in my second year of english studies.
I hope that it would be useful for all of us.

: منتديات الأستاذ التعليمية التربوية المغربية : فريق واحد لتعليم رائد https://www.profvb.com/vb/showthread.php?p=549051

"لا شيء يعتم الرؤية ويوقع في التيه الوجداني والضلال الفكري كالأسئلة المزيفة. الأسئلة المزيفة هي، كأسئلة الأطفال، أسئلة تطرح مشاكل مزيفة يعيشها الوعي على أنها مشاكل حقيقية"
محمد عابد الجابري
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قديم 2012-04-15, 10:55 رقم المشاركة : 2
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افتراضي رد: how to shape our life with postivie thinking.

Sometimes in the moment of deepdeception, we feel lost in a whirlwind of questions and negative emotions that allows us to perceive our lives meaningless, blaming the bad luck that follows us, poor political and economic conditions, ignoring completely that we are part of this world and this life that may seem foolish. Indeed, did we wonder whether we've really taken our share of responsibility or our role to give meaning to our lives? Have we arrived to use our real capacity to the end?

“If life loses its meaning is for us to give him another”.
it's my own principle that I gained through my hard experience as a teacher in the rural, and especially through the reading of an inspiring best seller book of positive thinking called "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". my presentation deals with the exact path of real change, positive change conscious, slowly but surely be great and successful.

But Before speaking about how We Can Give meaning to our life and shape it for the better, let’s have an overview of positive thinking, its definition, and its history.


"لا شيء يعتم الرؤية ويوقع في التيه الوجداني والضلال الفكري كالأسئلة المزيفة. الأسئلة المزيفة هي، كأسئلة الأطفال، أسئلة تطرح مشاكل مزيفة يعيشها الوعي على أنها مشاكل حقيقية"
محمد عابد الجابري
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قديم 2012-04-15, 10:56 رقم المشاركة : 3
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افتراضي رد: how to shape our life with postivie thinking.

1.Definition of the positive thinking:
Positive thinking is not a quick fix or a way to see life in pink, it is not an ignorance of the difficulties of life or psychological suffering that obstruct the path of life. On the contrary, positive thinking is the result of positive psychology which is part of clinical psychology.

She often addresses philosophical questions such as the existential meaning of life, or belief systems, stressing the importance of commitment, proactivity, and is influenced by cognitive-behavioral approach.

2.The history and origins of positive thinking
The history of positive thinking is ancient , its origins extend into esoteric and occultism That said, the first who launched this concept is the medical alchemist PARACELSE.
Paracelsus believed that the disease is caused by an imbalance between the positive energy and negative energy.

The Paracelsus principle was taken up by Mesmer(winner of the medical faculty of vienna in 1766). Medium thought that he can communicate the positive energy to his patients.


"لا شيء يعتم الرؤية ويوقع في التيه الوجداني والضلال الفكري كالأسئلة المزيفة. الأسئلة المزيفة هي، كأسئلة الأطفال، أسئلة تطرح مشاكل مزيفة يعيشها الوعي على أنها مشاكل حقيقية"
محمد عابد الجابري
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قديم 2012-04-15, 10:57 رقم المشاركة : 4
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افتراضي رد: how to shape our life with postivie thinking.

this idea has been enriched with PhineasQuimby who was able to connect the magnetism of Mesmer with a real positive thinking. In fact he says and explains what his teacher Mesmer said, "The positive magnetism is the product of positive thinking, and it'is this idea that will develop over days to be one of the key concepts that underpin positive thinking today. added to this is that Quimby developed the method of mental healing as a result of positive thinking and has many followers who developed the method and extend it in all areas of life and interpersonal and the effects of positive thinking are not restricted in the human body but extend to the world around us . positive thinking is subsequently became based on three levels: personal, interpersonal and social.

With the development of social sciences and especially experiemental, cognitive and behavioral psychology, the positive thinking has been released from the alchemist aspect: his weak point wich has often criticized. In deed, Positive psychology, wich is part of clinical psychology, gave him some scientific legitimacy ,and behaviorist approach gave him a practical, concrete and rationalist aspect.

In this sense the two books of Steven Covey are uniques, consistent and rationalists and that’s why I have chosen them from many books of positive thinking which have been announcing a vague ideas and suggestions devoid of a practical sense of personal developpement.


"لا شيء يعتم الرؤية ويوقع في التيه الوجداني والضلال الفكري كالأسئلة المزيفة. الأسئلة المزيفة هي، كأسئلة الأطفال، أسئلة تطرح مشاكل مزيفة يعيشها الوعي على أنها مشاكل حقيقية"
محمد عابد الجابري
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قديم 2012-04-16, 10:24 رقم المشاركة : 5
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افتراضي رد: how to shape our life with postivie thinking.

Thanks a bundle for your fruitful and nice contribution



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